
Angela Merkel, the Woman who changed History

Angela Merkel, the Woman who changed History

24 October – 1 November, Anghiari – M. S. Maria Tiberina – Città di Castello

The character of Angela Merkel, the first post-war female Chancellor, described in words and images in her many facets. The chance to go over her biography more closely was offered by Massimo Nava, the columnist of Corriere della Sera with his book "Angela Merkel, the Woman who changed History", published by Rizzoli and by Daniel Biskup’s shots, the German photographer who had the privilege of accompanying Mrs. Merkel for many years and of portraying her in the most important phases of her political life.

An itinerant event that took place from 24 October to 1 November 2021 in Anghiari, Monte Santa Maria Tiberina and Città di Castello. The event, sponsored among others by the Tuscany Region and the Italian-German Chamber of Commerce AHK, saw the participation of different speakers from the academic, political and industrial world, who offered a large audience their considerations on the 16 years Mrs. Merkel’s Chancellorship.